Bikini geçen günlerde 66. yasını kutladı! Evet yanlış duymadınız sadece 66 yıldır hayatımızdaymış bikini..
Bikini celebrated its 66. birthday a few days ago! Yes you did noy hear wrong, it has just been 66 years that bikini came to our lives..
Bikini celebrated its 66. birthday a few days ago! Yes you did noy hear wrong, it has just been 66 years that bikini came to our lives..
Bikiniyle ilgili ilk örnekler Çatalhöyük zamanından kalsa da en somut delili Sicilya'da bulunan Villa Romana del Casale'nin
duvarlarında ve Millattan sonra 4. yüzyıldan kalma, 10 tane bikinili
kızın spor yaptığını anlatan bir mozaik eserde görüyoruz.
First Bikini examples at ancient history starts with Catalhoyuk/Anatolia but the substanial evidences can be seen at Villa Romana del Casale walls at Sicilia a.d fourth century figuring 10 girls doing sports at a roman mosaic..
First Bikini examples at ancient history starts with Catalhoyuk/Anatolia but the substanial evidences can be seen at Villa Romana del Casale walls at Sicilia a.d fourth century figuring 10 girls doing sports at a roman mosaic..
30'ların sonunda film yıldızlarıyla beraber ise bikini yavaş yavaş ortaya çıkmaya başlıyor.
With the upcoming 30'ies bikini starts to express itself slowly..
With the upcoming 30'ies bikini starts to express itself slowly..
Ünlü yüzücü ve aktris Esther Williams, 1944 Hollywood'un ilk yüzme konulu filmi olan Bathing Beauty'i, 1949'da ise Neptune's Daughter'ı çeviyor.
Famous swimmer and actress Esther Williams acting at Bathing Beauty at year 1944 and Neptune's Daughter at 1949..
Famous swimmer and actress Esther Williams acting at Bathing Beauty at year 1944 and Neptune's Daughter at 1949..
Ve 40'lardan bugüne bikini ne hallere girmiş, nasıl moda olmuş bir tur atalım..
And lets look from 40'ies till now and lets see the changes and how it has been so popular..
Ben şahsen araştırırken en çok 70-80'lerin cesaretine inanamadım :)
I myself actually really suprised about the braveness of 70'ies and 80'ies when i was looking into this topic :)
And lets look from 40'ies till now and lets see the changes and how it has been so popular..
Ben şahsen araştırırken en çok 70-80'lerin cesaretine inanamadım :)
I myself actually really suprised about the braveness of 70'ies and 80'ies when i was looking into this topic :)
Marilyn Monroe -1949
With her unique beauty Rira Hayworth-1946
Esther Williams Neptune's Daughter 1949 Filminden
Ve 50'ler..
And 50'ies..
And 50'ies..
1951'de ilk kez 'Festival Bikini Contest' yarışması düzenleniyor ancak henüz toplum bikiniye sıcak bakmadığından adı 'Dünya Güzellik Yarışması' olarak değiştiriliyor. :)
Year 1951: First bikini contest has been organized as "Festival Bikini Contest" but community was not ready for bikini and name of the contest changed as "World Beauty Contest" :)
Year 1951: First bikini contest has been organized as "Festival Bikini Contest" but community was not ready for bikini and name of the contest changed as "World Beauty Contest" :)
Yabancı bir dergiden değil Florya Plajı'ndan :)
Not from an international magazine, Florya Beach/Istanbul :)
Not from an international magazine, Florya Beach/Istanbul :)
Ve burası da Moda Sahili
And this is Moda Beach/Istanbul
And this is Moda Beach/Istanbul
Ahh nerde eski denizlerimiz nostaljisi yapmayacağım.. Ama akılsız başın cezasını ayaklar çekiyor, Moda Burnunda yüzebilmek varken, ülkenin diğer ucuna gidiyoruz şimdi..
I will not make an old sea nostalgia but the past mistakes still effects us, we are going to the other edge of the country to swim rather then using Moda beach..
I will not make an old sea nostalgia but the past mistakes still effects us, we are going to the other edge of the country to swim rather then using Moda beach..
Ve 60'lar..
And 60'ies..
Ajda Pekkan bir zamanlar gerçekten gençken :)
Ajdan Pekkan when she was really at her young ages:)
Ajdan Pekkan when she was really at her young ages:)
Amerikan Bazaar Dergisi
American Bazaar Magazine
American Bazaar Magazine
Goldie Hawn süpersin!
Goldi Hawn rocks!
Ve 70'lerrr!!
And 70'ies!!
Meşhur Twiggy
Bo Derek
Oldukça cesur ne dersiniz? Belirtmeden geçmek istemiyorum erkek tanga modasının kısa sürmesine de ayrıca çok sevindim ;)
Really brave, isnt it? And i want make a statement,i'm so glad that men tanga fashion style has been so short ;)
And 80'ies..
Meşhur Mavi Göl filmi.. :) 80 dönemi çocuklarının ve gençlerine cinselliğe giriş 101'i idi :)
The famous "The Blue Lagoon".. :) It was a like Intro Class 101 for Sexual Education for the 80'ies children and youth :)
Carmen Electra
Meşhur walkmanlerimiz :)))
Our famous walkmens :)))
Our famous walkmens :)))
Bu moda da iyi ki kısa sürdü :)
I'm also so glad that this fashion style has not been so long :)
Evet doğru görüyorsunuz Angelina Jolie :)
And you see that picture right, she is Angeline Jolie :)
And you see that picture right, she is Angeline Jolie :)
Bu poz hangimize bu mayonun aynısından aldırmadı ki?
This posture made us to buy those swimsuits, isnt it?
This posture made us to buy those swimsuits, isnt it?
ve geldik 2000'lere :)
And we arrived to 200'ies:)
Angelina yaş aldıkça güzelleşmiyor mu?
Angeline becoming more beautiful while she is growing, isn't she?
Angeline becoming more beautiful while she is growing, isn't she?
Geçmişten günümüze bikiniyle ilgili turumuzun burada sonuna gelmiş bulunuyoruz..
And we are ending our tour from past till now about the bikini history, thanks for reading till the end :)..
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