Kişisel olarak sevgililer gününü çok kapitalist ve gereksiz buluyorum..Başta bunu belirtmek istiyorum(:
I spesificly clarify one thing that i personally find Valentines day so capitalist and unnecessary.. (:
I spesificly clarify one thing that i personally find Valentines day so capitalist and unnecessary.. (:
Dress : Gardırop İstanbul
Cause love issue should not stick to just one day. I think the best lover ist the one that is taking you to a fancy restaurant that flash into his mind or a prepraing special night occation, night or morning coming with flowers suddenly or ordering your favourite chocolate as a suprise is the most acceptable lover..
Ama yine de özellikle ilişkideki ilk yıllar kritiktir ve sevgililer henüz birbirine bu kadar spontan davranamadığından sevgililer günü önem taşır..
But especially first years at relationship is important and lovers actually does not know each other well and they can not act that spontaniously. Because of this Valentines day has a meaning at these kind of relations..
But especially first years at relationship is important and lovers actually does not know each other well and they can not act that spontaniously. Because of this Valentines day has a meaning at these kind of relations..
Diyelim ki ilk yılınız, hatta ilk aylarınız..Şık bir rezervasyon yapılmış, hediyeler alınmış ve haliyle o gece çok güzel olmak istiyorsunuz..
Lets say that it's your first year or even first month.. There is a reservation to a chic restaurant, both of you bought the presents and you want to impress your boyfriend with your beauty..
Lets say that it's your first year or even first month.. There is a reservation to a chic restaurant, both of you bought the presents and you want to impress your boyfriend with your beauty..
Öncelikle hepimizin bildiği birinci kuralı hatırlatmak isterim..Biz kadınlar kıyafetlerin detaylarını inceleriz, inceleriz incelerizz..Ama erkekler genellikle o kıyafetin sadece rengini ve varsa dekoltesini hatırlar (:
First of all i want you to remind you the first rule.. We women look at the details of the clothes on and on and on.. But men mostly remember the color and the low-neck if there is (:
First of all i want you to remind you the first rule.. We women look at the details of the clothes on and on and on.. But men mostly remember the color and the low-neck if there is (:
Diğer yandan nerdeyse tüm erkekler, yanlarındaki kadının çok güzel olmasını ama bunu sadece kendilerinin biliyor olmasını isterler..Hani çok sevdiğiniz ama çok ünlü olmayan bir şarkının çok ünlü olup her yerde çalınınca tadının kaçması gibi, erkeklerde çok güzel olduğunu düşündükleri sevgililerine çevrelerinde herkes 'ufff hatuna bak' şeklinde bakınca bundan rahatsız olurlar.. O yüzden hemen hepsi biraz keşfedilmemiş güzellik sever (:
On the other hand almost all the men desire to be with a beautiful woman next to them and also desire that they want to be the only one that knows this secret information. Just think like this: you have a favourite song but not so famous. when time comes and it becomes so popular and you can hear it at everywhere it will not give the same joy aynmore. For men very beautiful women is like that, if everybody turning back and looking at that woman "wowww what a hot woman" then they become uncomfortable for this issue. Cause of this all of them like beauty with some undiscovered parts (:
On the other hand almost all the men desire to be with a beautiful woman next to them and also desire that they want to be the only one that knows this secret information. Just think like this: you have a favourite song but not so famous. when time comes and it becomes so popular and you can hear it at everywhere it will not give the same joy aynmore. For men very beautiful women is like that, if everybody turning back and looking at that woman "wowww what a hot woman" then they become uncomfortable for this issue. Cause of this all of them like beauty with some undiscovered parts (:
Hedefi 12'den vurmak için çok karmaşık olmayan, sizin güzelliğinizi yansıtan ama yemek boyu da aklının takılacağı bir dekolte detayı olan giysileri kesinlikle öneriyorum.
To hit the bull's eye i sugesst you a dress that is not so complicated, that will express your beauty and also a low-neck that makes him busy for the entire of the dinner .
To hit the bull's eye i sugesst you a dress that is not so complicated, that will express your beauty and also a low-neck that makes him busy for the entire of the dinner .
MKBL Concept
Gardırop İstanbul
Gardırop İstanbul
MKBL Concept
Forever New
Herkese şimdiden çokkk romantik bir 14 şubat diliyorum (:
I wish all of you so sooo much romantic 14 February day (:
Stay with love,
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