İstanbul Moda Haftası rüzgar gibi geçti, defileler bir yana moda haftasını takip eden ünlüler, davetliler ve mekanda az defileler kadar ilgi çekiciydi..
Istanbul Fashion Week is like gone with the wind. Rather then the catwalks the celebrities, guests and the place were also interesting.
Istanbul Fashion Week is like gone with the wind. Rather then the catwalks the celebrities, guests and the place were also interesting.
Evet şu bir gerçek ki moda haftası kavramı henüz İstanbul için çok yeni ve oturmadı tam olarak, ama yine de görünen o ki doğru istikamette İstanbul :)
Yes that's a truth that fashion week concept is so new for Istanbul and not so organized yet but the fact is Istanbul is going into the true direction:)
Yes that's a truth that fashion week concept is so new for Istanbul and not so organized yet but the fact is Istanbul is going into the true direction:)
Öncelikle gerek tarihsel dokusu gerekse genişliği ve bahçesinin kullanım alanı olarak İTÜ Taşkışla binası moda için gerçekten çok doğru bir lokasyon.. Bu yıl tasarımcı standlarının üst kata alınması bir karısıklık yaratmış olsa da doğru değerlendirildiğinde bu bina cok guzel kullanılabilir diye düşünüyorum..
First of all whether historical texture and the wideness and the use area of the garden; ITU Taskisla building is the true location for the fashion shows.. This year there was a confusion because of the designer stands was at the up floor but if use of the building placed properly it can be evaluated better..
First of all whether historical texture and the wideness and the use area of the garden; ITU Taskisla building is the true location for the fashion shows.. This year there was a confusion because of the designer stands was at the up floor but if use of the building placed properly it can be evaluated better..
Ancak organizasyon konusunda bir iyileştirilmeye ihtiyaç oluduğu gözle görülür bir gerçek ne yazık ki..Özellikle Arzu Kaprol defilesinde yaşanan izdiham ve uzun bekleme süresi hem yabancı basının hem de özellikle celebrity diye tabir ettiğimiz grubun fazlasıyla negatif elektiriğini üzerine çekti..
But there is a reality that organisation issue needs a radical improvement.. Especially Arzu Kaprol catwalk; there was a real crowd and long waiting times made a negative impression on foreign press and the celebrities..
But there is a reality that organisation issue needs a radical improvement.. Especially Arzu Kaprol catwalk; there was a real crowd and long waiting times made a negative impression on foreign press and the celebrities..
Eğer daha çok ilgi ve müşteri çekmek ve diğer moda haftalarının yanında yer almak istiyorsak daha yüksek standartlarda organizasyonlara ihtiyacımız var..
If we want more attention, to collect more customers and to be known as a fashion week, we have to increase the quality of our organizations..
If we want more attention, to collect more customers and to be known as a fashion week, we have to increase the quality of our organizations..
Benim naçizane yorumlarımdan sonra :) bakalım kimler gelmiş geçmiş İstanbul Moda Haftası'ndan..
So after my humbly comments :) we can look at who was appearing in Istanbul Fashion Week..
So after my humbly comments :) we can look at who was appearing in Istanbul Fashion Week..
Beren Saat tüm zarifliği ve güzelliğyle Özgür Masur defilesindeydi..:)
Beren Saat was at Ozgur Masur catwalk with her beauty and elegance..:)
Beren Saat was at Ozgur Masur catwalk with her beauty and elegance..:)
Deniz Akkaya'da Özgür Masur defilesinde izleyenler arasındaydı..
Deniz Akkaya also watched the Ozgur Masur catwalk..
Deniz Akkaya also watched the Ozgur Masur catwalk..
"O kadın" olarak tanıdığımız Selin Demiratar..
Selin Demiratar that we know as "That Woman"..
Arzu Kaprol defilesini sadece modayı sevdiği için izlemeye gelen Cem ve Heni :)
Cem and Heni came to Arzu Kaprol catwalk who like to watch the Fashion shows:)
Selin :)